Person Details

Birthday: 1901-01-01 03:56:40

Death: 1947-01-01 03:56:40

Aliases: Arthur Ravanel , Joseph Arthur Ravanel

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Argentière, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Arthur Ravanel (1901-1947), from his born name Joseph Arthur Ravanel, was a high mountain guide, son of Joseph "le Rouge" Ravanel (1869-1931). The Ravanel, famous family of Argentière, within the commune of Chamonix-Mont-Blanc includes many personalities, in particular guides and skiers. His alpine adventure partner will be Roger Frison-Roche. Arthur Ravanel will marry Anna Lucie Balmat then in 1934 Anna Sophie Deffaugt.

Most Famous Work

L'Ascension Des Aiguilles Ravanel Et Mummery


Year Character Movie/Tv
1924 Self
Year Character Movie/Tv

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