Person Details
Birthday: 1912-06-27 03:35:15
Death: 1989-12-19 03:35:15
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Movie Involvements: 8
TV Involvements: 3
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Charlie's Angels
(1976) Maggie CunninghamThe Fugitive
(1963) Nurse Verna MurdockSplendor in the Grass
(1961) Mrs. LoomisHoney West
(1965) Lola GetzCarousel
(1956) Mrs. MullinDeadline - U.S.A.
(1952) Mrs. WillebrandtKeeper of the Flame
(1943) Jane HardingF. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood
(1975) Helen (The Hostess)Acting
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1979 | Mrs. Wellman | |
1978 | Flora Simpson Reilly | |
1977 | Mrs. Graham | |
1976 | Maggie Cunningham | |
1975 | Helen (The Hostess) | |
Rose | ||
Mrs. Kroner | ||
1974 | Mrs. Upson | |
1973 | Rose Axelrod | |
1968 | Annabelle | |
1966 | N/A | |
Peg | ||
1965 | Lola Getz | |
Thelma | ||
1964 | Mrs. McGraw | |
1963 | Nurse Verna Murdock | |
1962 | N/A | |
1961 | Mrs. Loomis | |
1956 | Mrs. Mullin | |
1954 | Mrs. Moore | |
1952 | Mrs. Willebrandt | |
1943 | Jane Harding | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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