Person Details


Aliases: Orin Veidt

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Minneapolis, Minnesota, US


Movie Involvements: 2

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Boone Winkler is a professional wrestler from the United States. He is known for his high-flying and deathmatch wrestling styles1. Veidt has been active in the wrestling scene since 2015 and has competed in various promotions, including GCW, ICW No Holds Barred, and CZW. He is often referred to by his nicknames “The Dark Prophet” and "The Wizard King". Some of his signature moves include the Trial Of The Witch and the Wiccan Impaler. Veidt’s career highlights include participating in numerous deathmatches and earning a reputation for his intense and hardcore wrestling style.

Most Famous Work

GCW Believe Me

GCW Believe Me

(2022) Orin Veidt
Hardway: The Legacy of Deathmatch Wrestling


Year Character Movie/Tv
2022 Orin Veidt
2020 Himself
2019 Orin Veidt
Year Character Movie/Tv

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