Person Details
Birthday: 1899-02-03 09:45:00
Death: 1972-01-30 09:45:00
Aliases: Carmen Rodriguez
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Madrid, Spain
Movie Involvements: 3
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
There Were Thirteen
(1931) Señora RockwelTiempo de amor
(1964) Doña AraceliVuelo 971
(1953) AbuelitaActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1964 | Doña Araceli | |
1963 | Doña María | |
1962 | Madre de Juan Escalada | |
N/A | ||
1961 | Madre de Eduardo | |
1960 | Madre de Orencio | |
1959 | Hilandera vieja | |
N/A | ||
1957 | Kiosquera | |
1953 | Abuelita | |
1931 | Señora Rockwel | |
1930 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
N/A | ||
1918 | N/A | |
1917 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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