Person Details
Birthday: 1945-06-13 05:34:11
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Montpellier, France
Movie Involvements: 8
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Bird People
(2014) NualaBreath of Life
(2018) Professeur Renée ChagnonHis Brother
(2003) DoctorCold as Summer
(2002) La mere de RachelComing to Terms with the Dead
(1994) ZazaL'Année de l'Algérie
(2009) BrigitteL'histoire d'une mère
(2017) HéloïseIt's Only the End of the World
(2010) The motherActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2018 | Professeur Renée Chagnon | |
2017 | Héloïse | |
2014 | Nuala | |
2010 | The mother | |
2009 | Brigitte | |
2008 | Honorine | |
2003 | Doctor | |
2002 | La mere de Rachel | |
1994 | Zaza | |
1990 | Mme Bordin | |
Lise Ragueneau | ||
1989 | Florence Morel | |
1981 | Mme Ponant | |
1978 | Armande | |
1970 | Gloria | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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