Person Details


Aliases: Charlene Diane Dallas

Gender: Female

Place of birth: California, USA


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Charlene Diane Dallas (born April 13, 1947) is a former beauty queen contestant who was Miss California in 1966 and first runner-up to Miss America in 1967. Dallas is from Danville in Contra Costa County, California. She studied at the California College of Arts and Crafts. She had a number of minor acting roles, including one as Laura Beige in the 1975 film Rancho Deluxe. She played Rita Lange In the "Dirge for a Dead Dachshund" episode of The Eddie Capra Mysteries in 1978, and had second billing in the 1989 film Criminal Act, playing Sharon Fields.

Most Famous Work

Criminal Act

Criminal Act

(1989) Sharon Fields


Year Character Movie/Tv
1989 Sharon Fields
1978 Cathy Bonano
1975 Laura Beige
1973 Secretary
Year Character Movie/Tv

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