Person Details
Birthday: 1948-09-17 22:43:09
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Lyon, France
Movie Involvements: 8
TV Involvements: 4
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Police Commissioner Moulin
(1976) Agathe MondoviThe French Detective
(1975) ChristineDeath on a Rainy Sunday
(1986) DianeThe Blood of Others
(1984) DeniseThe Tribulations of Balthazar Kober
(1988) MargeritaRendez-vous en noir
(1977) CharlotteLe Temps des as
(1978) Joséphine LerouxNe pleure pas
(1978) ClémentineActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1988 | Margerita | |
Raphaëlle | ||
1986 | Diane | |
N/A | ||
1984 | Denise | |
1983 | Mme Lucas | |
1981 | Cécile | |
1980 | Joséphine Leroux | |
1978 | Joséphine Leroux | |
Clémentine | ||
1977 | Virginie | |
Charlotte | ||
1976 | Agathe Mondovi | |
1975 | Christine | |
Christine | ||
1974 | Yseult | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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