Person Details

Birthday: 1899-09-02 04:55:50

Death: 1980-10-24 04:55:50

Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Munich


Movie Involvements: 2

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Clemens Scheitz was born in Munich, where his father was a tailor and he had an interest in physics and was a self-taught pianist. He earned a living through concert performances, piano lessons, small acting roles, and as an inventor. As a young man, he appeared in a 1922 silent film directed by Adolf Wenter and starring Victor Colani, entitled "The Prince Regatta." He also supplied music for the Herzog film "Woyzeck."

Most Famous Work

Nosferatu the Vampyre

Nosferatu the Vampyre

(1979) Clerk
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

(1974) Registrar


Year Character Movie/Tv
1979 Clerk
1977 Scheitz
1976 Adalbert, the servant
1974 Registrar
Year Character Movie/Tv

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