Person Details
Birthday: 1943-08-09 05:19:08
Death: 1987-11-03 05:19:08
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Nuars, Nièvre, France
Movie Involvements: 13
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Camille 2000
(1969) Marguerite GautierFlight from Ashiya
(1964) LeilaSnow Job
(1972) Monica ScottiThe Pavements of Paris
(1961) ArletteHow, When, and with Whom
(1969) PaolaUna storia milanese
(1962) ValeriaThe Regattas of San Francisco
(1960) LidiaThe Golden Claws of the Cat Girl
(1968) Françoise TilmontActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1972 | Monica Scotti | |
1970 | Yvonne | |
1969 | Angela | |
Paola | ||
Marguerite Gautier | ||
1968 | Françoise Tilmont | |
1967 | Emmanuelle | |
1964 | Leila | |
1963 | Französin | |
1962 | Valeria | |
1961 | Thérèse Pêche | |
Charlotte de Montmorency | ||
Arlette | ||
1960 | Dan | |
Lidia | ||
1956 | Self | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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