Person Details
Birthday: 1958-06-04 01:20:36
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 6
TV Involvements: 1
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
(2004) PhyllisThe Ride
(2018) Sgt. WhepsMutant War
(1988) BethNeverland
(2003) Mrs. DarlingMurder on the 13th Floor
(2012) BethModel Behavior
(1982) Leather LadySister Wife Murder
(2024) EllenActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2024 | Ellen | |
2021 | Jackie | |
2018 | Sgt. Wheps | |
2014 | Kendra - Lachman | |
2012 | Beth | |
2006 | N/A | |
2005 | N/A | |
2004 | Phyllis | |
2003 | Mrs. Darling | |
1988 | Beth | |
1982 | Leather Lady | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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