Person Details

Birthday: 1969-01-01 13:38:49

Death: 2019-02-22 13:38:49

Aliases: D Wise , D. Wise , D-Wise , D'wise

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Queens, New York City, New York, USA


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Devon Wise, aka D. Wise, was a porn actor, director, talent agent, and producer. Born in Queens, NY, Wise started out recruiting talent, eventually becoming a performer and then a director and producer, establishing his own talent agency and production company after his return to New York after more than a decade in Los Angeles. suffered a pulmonary embolism in June 2015 that left him with damaged lungs and a traumatic brain injury, remaining in a rehabilitation facility until his death in 2019 at the age of 50.

Most Famous Work

Chasing White Booty 3

Chasing White Booty 3

(2007) Director


Year Character Movie/Tv
2007 N/A
2005 N/A
Year Character Movie/Tv


Year Role Movie/Tv
2007 Director
Year Role Movie/Tv

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