Person Details

Birthday: 1901-07-20 09:51:15

Death: 1995-06-03 09:51:15

Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Female

Place of birth:


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Elizabeth Dilys Powell, CBE - was an English film critic who wrote for The Sunday Times for over fifty years. Powell was noted for her receptiveness to cultural change in the cinema and coined many classic phrases about films and actors. She was one of the founder members of the Independent Television Authority (ITA), which launched commercial television in the UK, and also served as the second female President of the Classical Association. Powell was also the author of several books on films and her travels in Greece.

Most Famous Work

Omnibus - Cuckoo: A Celebration of Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy


Year Character Movie/Tv
1974 Herself
Year Character Movie/Tv

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