Person Details
Birthday: 1927-05-07 19:59:42
Death: 2009-11-20 19:59:42
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Movie Involvements: 6
TV Involvements: 1
Most Famous Work
Anna Elisabeth Söderström CBE was a Swedish soprano and actress who performed both opera and song, and was known as a leading interpreter of the works of Janáček, Rachmaninov and Sibelius.
Most Famous Work
Le grand échiquier
(1972) SelfSvenske ryttaren
(1949) Agneta von Kreschwitz / Agneta GyllencronaFidelio
(2005) LeonoreThe Human Voice
(1985) The WomanThe Queen of Spades
(1999) CountessAniara
(1960) Daisy Doody / La GarconneEn lek på blodigt allvar
(1999) SelfActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2005 | Leonore | |
1999 | Self | |
Countess | ||
1985 | The Woman | |
1978 | Mimi | |
1972 | Self | |
1971 | Juliana | |
1960 | Daisy Doody / La Garconne | |
1949 | Agneta von Kreschwitz / Agneta Gyllencrona | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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