Person Details
Aliases: Enric Guitart i Matas
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Barcelona, Spain
Movie Involvements: 10
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Enrique Guitart Matas was a Spanish actor. He is the son of silent actor Enrique Guitart Soldevilla.
Most Famous Work
Sin uniforme
(1950) AhmedEl sueño de Andalucía
(1951) Rodriguez ValienteAndalusia
(1951) Rodriguez ValienteNoventa minutos
(1949) RichardVidas cruzadas
(1942) EnriquePath Unknown
(1946) Guido MoraniServicio en la mar
(1951) ComandanteLos atracadores
(1962) LawyerActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1967 | Ramón | |
1962 | Lawyer | |
1955 | N/A | |
1951 | Comandante | |
Rodriguez Valiente | ||
Rodriguez Valiente | ||
1950 | N/A | |
N/A | ||
Ahmed | ||
1949 | Richard | |
1948 | General Narváez | |
Sander | ||
1946 | Guido Morani | |
1942 | Enrique | |
1941 | N/A | |
The Husband | ||
1940 | N/A | |
1936 | Pepe | |
1934 | N/A | |
1927 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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