Person Details

Birthday: 1981-03-13 22:55:06

Aliases: Boyaco , Boyacoman , Boyaco man

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Jenesano, Boyacá, Colombia


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


His real name is Frey Eduardo Quintero Suárez and he gives life to the character of Boyacoman. He was born on March 13, 1981 in the town of Jenesano, Boyacá. He studied advertising and marketing, he also made incursions in medicine, of course his future was already marked by a smile: the Colombian smile. On December 8, 2001 his paths led him to participate for the first time in the cuentachistes, section contest of the highly acclaimed television program Sábados Felices, where for the first time he won the title of first place that would lead him through a flurry of awards that until today have classified him as fast, lively and the best: a humor for everyone regardless of their stratum or age.

Most Famous Work


Year Character Movie/Tv
2019 Boyacoman
Year Character Movie/Tv

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