Person Details
Birthday: 1907-02-27 09:14:34
Death: 1993-04-08 09:14:34
Aliases: Фриц-Хуго Бекман , Фриц-Хуго Бакман
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Berlin, Germany
Movie Involvements: 5
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Here, Beneath the North Star
(1968) E. DahlbergAkseli and Elina
(1970) Apteekkari E. DahlbergLain mukaan
(1956) von OppmanMeidän poikamme ilmassa – me maassa
(1934) Kalle SuulanenVMV 6
(1936) Lumme's Friend (uncredited)Acting
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1970 | Apteekkari E. Dahlberg | |
1968 | E. Dahlberg | |
1957 | Esa Levas (uncredited) | |
1956 | von Oppman | |
1954 | Klaus Huurros | |
(uncredited) | ||
1939 | Mr. Lahtinen | |
1936 | Lumme's Friend (uncredited) | |
1934 | Kalle Suulanen | |
1931 | (uncredited) | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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