Person Details


Aliases: Gary Jay , Gerald James , Jay Lutz , Gary The Barn Owl , Mr. James

Gender: Male

Place of birth: St. Louis, Missouri, USA


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Gary Gray is a professional wrestler with a career spanning over 21 years, Gary has wrestled under various alter egos, including “Gary The Barn Owl,” “Gerald James,” and “Jay Lutz.” Standing at 5’10" and weighing 169 lbs, he is known for signature moves like the “KickFace Stunner” and the “Frog Stop Shadows Over Helbow.” Gary Jay has left his mark as both a singles wrestler and a tag team competitor, earning nicknames like “High Chief” and “Stiff Robo Ginger” during his time in the ring

Most Famous Work

CZW: Better Than Our Best

CZW: Better Than Our Best

(2018) Gary Jay

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