Person Details

Birthday: 1953-12-31 06:30:04

Aliases: غادة الشمعة

Gender: Female

Place of birth: Syria


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Ghada El Shamaa is a Syrian actress. She started her career in 1976 through a role in the television series The Wheat Storages. Her breakthrough came when Doreid Laham cast her in his series Where is the Fault (1979). After she gained popularity in Syria, she attracted the attention of Egyptian director Hosam Eldin Mostafa, who introduced her to the film industry in Egypt. She landed many roles in Egyptian films, most notably The Rowdies and the Coach, and The Battle of the Beauties.

Most Famous Work


Year Character Movie/Tv
1980 N/A
1978 N/A
Year Character Movie/Tv

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