Person Details

Birthday: 1971-03-20 20:56:45

Aliases: Johnny Diamond , Ali , Gian Franco

Gender: Male

Place of birth:


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Gianfranco was born on March 20, 1971 in Texas, USA. He is a gay adult performer and model. Gianfranco was a big name in 1990's gay porn, also appearing with the alias Johnny Diamond. He has Latin/middle-eastern looks and a hairy, muscular body - that just got bigger and bigger over the years - as well as a cut 7-inch cock. He topped more than bottomed and made most of his movies in the mid-1990's - although he returned in movies as 'Ali' in the early 2000's for Colt. Gianfranco stands about 5' 10" tall, has practiced as a chiropractor in California, worked in gyms and was the winner of the 1997 Best Exotic Dancer award. He is a certified chiropractic doctor and holds a Masters in sports physiology and a degree in biology. Conflicting information on his birth IMDb has March 20, 1971 in Texas, USA and IAFD has March 21, 1975 in Iran.

Most Famous Work

Strokin' It Boys Will Be Boys

Strokin' It Boys Will Be Boys

(1994) Johnny Diamond

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