Person Details
Aliases: Grazielli Massafera , Grazielli Soares Massafera
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Jacarezinho, Paraná, Brazil
Movie Involvements: 2
TV Involvements: 9
Most Famous Work
Brazilian actress and presenter . She began her career as a model , winning the Miss Paraná contest in 2004. She achieved notoriety when she participated in the fifth edition of the reality show Big Brother Brasil , in which she came second. Her first appearance in television drama was as a supporting actress in the soap opera Páginas da Vida (2006), for which she received critical acclaim and won several awards as a new actress. He played prominent roles in the soap operas Negócio da China (2008), Tempos Modernos (2010) and Flor do Caribe (2013), receiving some negative reviews for his work. [ 4 ] However, she was praised for her performance as a drug-addicted model in the soap opera Verdades Secretas (2015), being awarded the APCA Award , Troféu Imprensa and Melhores do Ano as best supporting actress, as well as an International Emmy nomination . [ 5 ] [ 6 ] She was also praised for her performance as an eccentric seamstress in Bom Sucesso (2019), being again nominated for several national awards.
Most Famous Work
Hidden Truths
(2015) LarissaA Life Worth Living
(2019) Paloma da SilvaWounded Past
(2016) Luciane Cardoso LeitãoCaribbean Flower
(2013) Ester SchnaiderAquele Beijo
(2011) Lucena Zambelli de PaulaPages of life
(2006) Thelma RibeiroTempos Modernos
(2010) Deodora Madureira Niemann / N. AnneDesejo Proibido
(2007) FlorindaActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2022 | Débora | |
2019 | Paloma da Silva | |
2017 | Lívia Monserrat | |
Self | ||
2016 | Luciane Cardoso Leitão | |
Voz | ||
2015 | Larissa | |
2013 | Ester Schnaider | |
2012 | Marivalda | |
2011 | Lucena Zambelli de Paula | |
2010 | Michele | |
Deodora Madureira Niemann / N. Anne | ||
2008 | Lívia Noronha | |
2007 | Florinda | |
2006 | Thelma Ribeiro | |
Ana | ||
2002 | N/A | |
2000 | Host | |
N/A | ||
Eva | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |