Person Details
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 5
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Tukkipojan morsian
(1931) Kustaa KoskiRoinilan talossa
(1935) Meri-MattiOlli's Apprenticeship
(1920) JokelaVaihdokas
(1927) HaukkaCurses of the Witch
(1927) EsaActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1936 | N/A | |
1935 | Meri-Matti | |
1934 | N/A | |
1931 | Kustaa Koski | |
Benjamin Jaakkola | ||
1927 | Haukka | |
Esa | ||
1922 | N/A | |
1921 | Kustaa Penttilä | |
1920 | Jokela | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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