Person Details
Aliases: 黎氏侠 , Lê Thị Hiệp
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Đà Nẵng, Central Vietnam
Movie Involvements: 9
TV Involvements: 1
Most Famous Work
Hiep Thi Le (February 18, 1971 – December 19, 2017) was an American actress, and later restaurateur, best known for her role in Heaven & Earth (1993). She was a refugee of the Vietnam War and fled the country with her mother and sister at the age of 9.
Most Famous Work
Masters of Sex
(2013) Juror #14Cruel Intentions
(1999) Mai-LeeHeaven & Earth
(1993) Le LySympathy for Delicious
(2010) Female VoluteerGreen Dragon
(2001) Thuy HoaDead Men Can't Dance
(1997) Sgt. Mia Yan ChunBugis Street
(1995) LianThe Princess of Nebraska
(2008) Mother at MallActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2013 | Juror #14 | |
2011 | Mother | |
2010 | Female Voluteer | |
2008 | Mother at Mall | |
N/A | ||
2003 | McDuff's Secretary | |
2001 | Thuy Hoa | |
2000 | The Tutor | |
1999 | Mai-Lee | |
1997 | Sgt. Mia Yan Chun | |
1995 | Lian | |
1993 | Le Ly | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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