Person Details
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Wales, UK
Movie Involvements: 11
TV Involvements: 1
Most Famous Work
Hugh Thomas is a Welsh actor best known for his parts in the films 'If....' (1968), 'The Tall Guy' (1989) and 'Breaking Glass' (1980). Thomas was educated at Rugby School and Merton College, Oxford.
Most Famous Work
The Crown
(2016) Bishop of Llandaffif....
(1968) DensonNightwatching
(2007) Jacob JoriszBreaking Glass
(1980) DavisTimon of Athens
(1981) LuciusThicker Than Water
(1993) PsychiatristCymbeline
(1982) CorneliusStronger Than the Sun
(1978) KendalActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2023 | Derek | |
2016 | Bishop of Llandaff | |
2007 | Jacob Jorisz | |
1993 | Psychiatrist | |
1992 | Alun's Fan in Bookshop | |
1989 | Dr. Karabekian | |
1983 | Lord Reginald Grey | |
1982 | Cornelius | |
Castle | ||
1981 | Lucius | |
Rufus Isaacs | ||
1980 | N/A | |
Davis | ||
Male Guest | ||
Tennant | ||
1978 | Kendal | |
1977 | N/A | |
1973 | Denson | |
1968 | Denson | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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