Person Details
Aliases: Ирина Петреску
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Bucureşti, Romania
Movie Involvements: 16
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Those Who Pay with Their Lives
(1989) IrenaStejar, extremă urgență
(1973) CorinaThe Waves of the Danube
(1960) AnaThe Carpathian Castle
(1981) Dora D'IstriaThe Mornings of a Sensible Youth
(1967) MarianaO lumină la etajul zece
(1984) inginera Maria DinuBeyond the Bridge
(1975) Sister AegidiaSunday at Six
(1965) AncaActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2011 | Grandmother | |
1992 | N/A | |
Mrs. Moscu | ||
1989 | Irena | |
1988 | N/A | |
1984 | inginera Maria Dinu | |
Sorana | ||
1981 | Dora D'Istria | |
1978 | Dominique Franga | |
1976 | Hermina | |
1975 | Sister Aegidia | |
1973 | Lena | |
Corina | ||
1971 | Eva Filipache | |
1969 | Ana | |
1967 | Magdalena | |
Mariana | ||
1965 | N/A | |
Jacqueline | ||
Anca | ||
1964 | Sonia | |
1962 | Neli | |
1961 | Rodica Barbu | |
1960 | Ana | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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