Person Details
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil
Movie Involvements: 3
TV Involvements: 5
Most Famous Work
José Irving Santana São Paulo (Feira de Santana, October 26, 1964 – Rio de Janeiro, August 10, 2006), better known as Irving São Paulo, was a Brazilian actor. He was the son of filmmaker Olney São Paulo and brother of actor Ilya São Paulo. Irving already showed great talent since childhood, as a self-taught musician, he soon learned to play the piano, having even formed a band with his brother Ilya São Paulo, the band Coelho Neto. After a lot of success between the 1980s and the early 1990s, in which Irving was constantly cast in Ivani Ribeiro's soap operas, he stopped participating in major Rede Globo productions.
Most Famous Work
(1983) José "Zé" RodolfoMulheres de Areia
(1993) Zé LuizEstrela-Guia
(2001) HumbertoO Sexo dos Anjos
(1989) Zé PauloA Viagem
(1994) ZecaMuito Prazer
(1979) LeléuA Noiva da Cidade
(1978) LambariCascalho
(2004) Promotor OscarActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2006 | N/A | |
2004 | Promotor Oscar | |
2001 | Humberto | |
1994 | Zeca | |
1993 | Zé Luiz | |
1990 | N/A | |
1989 | Zé Paulo | |
1984 | homem que conversa com Bruno e Grace na maternidade | |
1983 | José "Zé" Rodolfo | |
1980 | N/A | |
1979 | Leléu | |
1978 | Lambari | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |