Person Details

Birthday: 1989-01-01 04:45:38

Aliases: Izy-Bella , Izy-Bella Blu , Tiffany Rose , Izybella Blue , Izybella Blu , Izzabella Blue , Izzabella Blu , Tiffany Diamond , Izzy-Bella Blu

Gender: Female

Place of birth:


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 0

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Izybella Blu has an unusual name, but then she is an unusual girl. She isn't paper thin like a lot of models seem to be, but rather she has a purely gorgeous womanly figure. She is 5'8 and 135 pounds and her measurements are 34-34-33. She has a terrific pair of B-cup boobs and a fabulous pink slit. Izybella Blu has used a number of aliases including Tiffany Rose and Tiffany Diamond. She is an American girl from Florida and she is a diverse performer. Some of the niches she has done include striptease, lesbian, college sex party, group sex and hardcore.

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