Person Details
Birthday: 1925-02-07 02:36:09
Death: 1993-05-24 02:36:09
Aliases: Jacques Denbeaux
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Aurora, Illinois, USA
Movie Involvements: 4
TV Involvements: 1
Most Famous Work
Jack Denbo was an American film and television actor.
Most Famous Work
The Green Hornet
(1966) Gus WanderPapillon
(1973) Classification OfficerThe Public Eye
(1992) Photo EditorThe Amazing Howard Hughes
(1977) ChauffeurIncident at Vichy
(1973) Second DetectiveActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1992 | Photo Editor | |
1991 | Stagehand | |
1977 | Chauffeur | |
1973 | Classification Officer | |
Second Detective | ||
1966 | Gus Wander | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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