Person Details

Birthday: 1988-07-20 02:08:04

Aliases: James Shipp , James Shipp Jr

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Phoenix, Arizona, United States


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


A former professional basketball player and radio host, James Shipp Jr. played for ASU and UCLA before competing overseas in the European Basketball League. After suffering an injury that put an end to his NBA dream, James refocused his energy into acting, while simultaneously producing and hosting the ESPN show and podcast BallerzWorld Live. He has also been the Creative Director of the Emmy Award winning production company Legion of Creatives. His energy, talent, intelligence and dedication are just some of the multiple valuable assets he brings to every project he undertakes. James is an incredibly charismatic actor who is following in his sister's -Alexandra Shipp- footsteps (X-MEN: Apocalypse lead, Straight Outta Compton). His current resume includes Dorion Renaud's love interest on In The Cut, and award winning film Asia A.

Most Famous Work



(2018) Daniel


Year Character Movie/Tv
2018 Daniel
Year Character Movie/Tv

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