Person Details
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Sorel, Quebec, Canada
Movie Involvements: 11
TV Involvements: 3
Most Famous Work
Jean Marchand is a French Canadian stage, film and television actor and pianist, best known for playing the role of the high-strung music teacher Rolland Montmorency, aka M. Musique, on Unité 9, the acclaimed television series about a woman's penitentiary, for four years from 2012 to 2015.
Most Famous Work
Wynonna Earp
(2016) BulsharUnite 9
(2012) Rolland MontmorencyThe Phantom
(2009) Abel VandermaarkSolo
(2023) FridaShadows in an Empty Room
(1976) TerenceAurore
(2005) Dr. Andronic LafondGhost Town Anthology
(2019) Gilbert JeannoisTrudeau
(2002) Marc LalondeActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2023 | Frida | |
Pierre | ||
2019 | Gilbert Jeannois | |
2016 | Bulshar | |
Gardien Musée | ||
2013 | Dad | |
2012 | Pneumatologue | |
Rolland Montmorency | ||
2009 | Abel Vandermaark | |
2008 | Maître D' | |
2005 | Dr. Andronic Lafond | |
2002 | Marc Lalonde | |
1999 | N/A | |
1998 | Le médecin | |
1995 | Borduas | |
Additional Cast | ||
1989 | N/A | |
1988 | N/A | |
1984 | Concierge | |
1977 | N/A | |
1976 | Terence | |
N/A | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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