Person Details
Aliases: Джереми Уоркмэн
Gender: Male
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 32
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Jeremy Workman is an American filmmaker and editor. His documentary films frequently focus on eccentrics, outsiders, and those with extreme passions. His films include Lily Topples the World, The World Before Your Feet, Magical Universe, and Who Is Henry Jaglom? In most of his films, Workman serves as the director, cinematographer, and editor.
Most Famous Work
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond
(2008) EditorWho Is Henry Jaglom?
(1997) EditorLily Topples The World
(2021) ProducerTrue New York
(2016) ProducerNight School
(2016) Executive ProducerMagical Universe
(2014) ProducerCarbee’s Barbies
(2002) DirectorThe World Before Your Feet
(2018) ProducerActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1986 | Smoynek Son | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
2023 | Cinematography | |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
2023 | Director | |
2021 | Director | |
2018 | Director | |
2016 | Director | |
2014 | Director | |
2005 | Director | |
2002 | Director | |
1999 | Director | |
1997 | Director | |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
2021 | Editor | |
2018 | Editor | |
2014 | Editor | |
2008 | Editor | |
2005 | Editor | |
1997 | Editor | |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
2023 | Producer | |
2021 | Producer | |
2018 | Producer | |
2016 | Producer | |
Executive Producer | ||
2014 | Producer | |
2005 | Producer | |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
2021 | Director of Photography | |
2018 | Director of Photography | |
2014 | Director of Photography | |
2005 | Director of Photography | |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
1999 | Writer | |
Year | Role | Movie/Tv |
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