Person Details
Birthday: 1912-04-26 10:22:49
Death: 1985-07-25 10:22:49
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 7
TV Involvements: 8
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Lux Video Theatre
(1950) Bottomley the LawyerStudio One
(1948) Dr. Horace BellThe Birds
(1963) Postal ClerkSplendor in the Grass
(1961) Doc SmileyFlipper
(1964) Constable PetersDecoy
(1957) Mr. WhittakerInner Sanctum
(1954) MapleHallmark Hall of Fame
(1951) James AlexanderActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1964 | Constable Peters | |
1963 | Postal Clerk | |
1961 | Doc Smiley | |
1957 | Mr. Coogan | |
Mr. Whittaker | ||
Dr. Horace Bell | ||
Szeps | ||
1956 | Two Gentlemen | |
Mr. Moors | ||
1954 | Doc Benson | |
Maple | ||
1952 | N/A | |
1951 | Judge | |
James Alexander | ||
1950 | Bottomley the Lawyer | |
N/A | ||
1948 | Dr. Horace Bell | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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