Person Details

Birthday: 1922-05-27 13:42:43

Death: 2013-09-19 13:42:43

Aliases: John D. Vanderhoof

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Rocky Ford, Colorado, USA


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


John David Vanderhoof (1922-2013) was an American politician. A member of the Republican Party, Vanderhoof served as the 37th Governor of Colorado from 1973 to 1975, assuming the office from John Arthur Love, who was appointed to the National Energy Policy Office by President Richard Nixon. Vanderhoof served out the remainder of Love's term, but failed to win a term in his own right, being defeated by Democrat Richard Lamm in the 1974 election.

Most Famous Work

The Four Corners: A National Sacrifice Area?

The Four Corners: A National Sacrifice Area?

(1983) Self - Former Colorado Governor


Year Character Movie/Tv
1983 Self - Former Colorado Governor
Year Character Movie/Tv

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