Person Details

Birthday: 1941-06-25 03:27:26

Death: 1991-06-15 03:27:26

Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Male

Place of birth:


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


John P. "Johnny" Dodd was a lighting designer for theatre, dance and music and was active in the downtown art scene in Manhattan during the last half of the 20th century. During the 1960s, Dodd was resident lighting designer at the Caffe Cino. In 1967, he received an Obie Award for his work on Soren Agenoux's A Christmas Carol, Lanford Wilson's The Madness of Lady Bright and Tom Eyen's White Whore and the Bit Player. Dodd also worked on productions at Judson Memorial Church, La MaMa and Theater Genesis. During the 1970s, he served as a lighting director on the New York Dolls tours and worked with theatre director Robert Wilson. He later founded and served as the president of the 14th Street Stage Lighting Inc. Towards the end of his life, Dodd worked at The Living Theater. Dodd died in 1991, reportedly from AIDS at the age of 50.

Most Famous Work



(1963) Self


Year Character Movie/Tv
1963 Self
Year Character Movie/Tv

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