Person Details
Birthday: 1933-07-25 14:48:35
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 2
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Jovan Rajs is a Serbian/Swedish Professor Emeritus of Forensics. During WWII he was deported in 1944 to the Nazi KZ Bergen-Belsen. Later he studied at the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. In 1968 he and his wife Dina and their two children moved to Sweden.
Most Famous Work
Mysteriet Holst
(2013) (Himself)Styckmordet: berättelsen om en rättsskandal
(2005) Forensics ProfessorActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2013 | (Himself) | |
2005 | Forensics Professor | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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