Person Details
Aliases: Джойс Редман
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Movie Involvements: 8
TV Involvements: 3
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Prime Suspect
(1991) Doris MarlowTales of the Unexpected
(1979) Linda KnoxThe Philco Television Playhouse
(1948) Lady MacbethAgatha Christie's Seven Dials Mystery
(1981) Lady CooteLes Misérables
(1978) MaglioreOne of Our Aircraft Is Missing
(1942) Jet van DierenOthello
(1965) EmiliaA Different Kind of Love
(1985) Mrs. PriorActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1991 | Doris Marlow | |
1985 | Mrs. Prior | |
1981 | Lady Coote | |
1980 | Meg Citron | |
1979 | Linda Knox | |
1978 | Magliore | |
1974 | N/A | |
1968 | Grace Hardcastle | |
1965 | Emilia | |
1963 | Mrs. Waters | |
1948 | Lady Macbeth | |
1942 | Jet van Dieren | |
1941 | Maid | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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