Person Details

Birthday: 1956-09-16 12:25:49

Death: 1987-11-28 12:25:49

Aliases: Haru Sonoda , Professor Sonoda , The Magic Dragon

Gender: Male

Place of birth:


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Kazuharu Sonoda (薗田 一治, Sonoda Kazuharu, September 16, 1956 - November 28, 1987) also known under the ring names Haru Sonoda (ハル 薗田) and Magic Dragon (マジック・ドラゴン, Majikku Doragon), was a Japanese professional wrestler. He was a former NWA Western States Tag Team Champion, NWA/WWC North American Tag Team Champion with Mitsu Ishikawa and the WCCW All-Asia Tag Team Championship with The Great Kabuki in 1982.

Most Famous Work

WCCW Star Wars (August 1982)

WCCW Star Wars (August 1982)

(1982) The Magic Dragon


Year Character Movie/Tv
1982 The Magic Dragon
Year Character Movie/Tv

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