Person Details
Birthday: 1952-09-24 06:08:52
Aliases: Xalidə Quliyeva , Халида Гулиева , Xalidə Qasımova
Gender: Female
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 11
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Sound of the Pipe
(1975) MilliThe Winds blow in Baku
(1974) SolmazThe Pain of a Baby Tooth
(1987) Karim's MotherClouds are Our Umbrellas
(1976) BanovshaNasimi
(1974) FatmaXoşbəxtlik Qayğıları
(1976) KhalidaThe Tale of the Old Oak Tree
(1984) NazliThe Golden Goose
(1972) ValidaActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2017 | N/A | |
1990 | Doctor | |
1987 | Karim's Mother | |
1985 | Khalida | |
1984 | Nazli | |
1983 | N/A | |
1980 | Sona | |
1976 | Khalida | |
Banovsha | ||
1975 | Milli | |
1974 | Sona | |
Fatma | ||
Solmaz | ||
1972 | Valida | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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