Person Details

Birthday: 1955-04-21 16:15:14

Death: 2019-01-01 16:15:14

Aliases: Крис Кельми

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Moscow, USSR


Movie Involvements: 2

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Kris Kelmi (born Anatoli Arievich Kelmi, Russian: Анатолий Арьевич Кельми; 21 April 1955 – 1 January 2019) was a Soviet and Russian rock and pop musician and composer. He was a member of the bands Leap Summer, Autograph, and Rock Atelier. Some of his most well-known songs are Night Rendezvous, Closing the Ring, and Tired Taxi. Most online sources indicated that Kelmi was a pseudonym, and the musician's surname was Kalinkin. Kelmi denied this version. Kelmi believed that he most likely was Lithuanian on his father's side, explaining that there is a town in Lithuania called Kelmė, which is consonant with his last name. Kris took the nickname in 1972, after Dr. Kris Kelvin, the hero of Stanisław Lem's novel, Solaris.

Most Famous Work

Six Letters About Beat

Six Letters About Beat

(1977) himself
Rock around the Kremlin

Rock around the Kremlin

(1985) himself


Year Character Movie/Tv
1985 himself
1977 himself
Year Character Movie/Tv

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