Person Details


Aliases: Lee Tae-bin , 이세웅 , Lee Sae-ung

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Busan, South Korea


Movie Involvements: 0

TV Involvements: 2

Most Famous Work


Lee Sae Woong, known professionally as Lee Tae Vin, is an actor, singer, dancer and former member of MYTEEN (마이틴). He graduated from Boun Middle School and took a test for the gifted and talented which revealed his IQ of 142. As a reward, he was sent to New Zealand to continue his studies but decided to quit to pursue a career as an actor, much to his family's disapproval. After returning to South Korea, he became an advertisement model and later joined The Music Works (뮤직웍스), taking the unexpected path of becoming an idol. He made his debut in 2017 as MYTEEN's rapper and sub-vocalist with their first EP, "MyTeen Go!". However, he never felt like he belonged in an idol group, as he still wanted to become an actor. So, in mid-2018, he left the group to focus on his acting career. He made his acting debut in 2018 with a minor role in "Rich Man" (리치맨) and has appeared in several dramas ever since. He is currently represented by IOK Company (아이오케이컴퍼니).

Most Famous Work

The Penthouse

The Penthouse

(2020) Lee Min-hyeok
Love for Love's Sake

Love for Love's Sake

(2024) Tae Myung-ha


Year Character Movie/Tv
2024 Tae Myung-ha
2021 Do Ki Hwan
2020 Lee Min-hyeok
2018 Lee Jae Young
Year Character Movie/Tv

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