Person Details
Birthday: 1905-06-12 20:01:37
Death: 1996-02-21 20:01:37
Aliases: Lilli Juanita Kathrina Kristiansson , Lili Kristiansson
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Copenhagen, Denmark
Movie Involvements: 3
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Once Upon a Time
(1922) First lady of the courtThe Ingmar Inheritance
(1925) GunhildThe Four Devils
(1911) Aimée som barnActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1978 | N/A | |
1934 | Gerda Halling | |
1933 | Yvonne Falk | |
1932 | Elly Martin | |
1930 | N/A | |
1925 | Gunhild | |
Anne Marie | ||
1922 | First lady of the court | |
1911 | Aimée som barn | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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