Person Details
Birthday: 1971-08-14 01:19:18
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Movie Involvements: 2
TV Involvements: 5
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Young Hearts
(1995) Romão Marques MacieiraO Profeta
(2006) Flávio LeiteDeus Nos Acuda
(1992) José Paulo Pinheiro (Zelito)Laços de Família
(2000) Frederico Lacerda Ferrari (Fred)Sabor da Paixão
(2002) Alexandre PaixãoMary, Mother of the Son of God
(2003) Jesus CristoA Cartomante
(2004) CamiloActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2014 | Domingos | |
2011 | Oscar Amaral | |
2006 | Flávio Leite | |
2005 | Raul | |
N/A | ||
2004 | N/A | |
Camilo | ||
2003 | Jesus Cristo | |
2002 | Alexandre Paixão | |
2000 | Raio de Luz | |
Frederico Lacerda Ferrari (Fred) | ||
1995 | Romão Marques Macieira | |
1992 | José Paulo Pinheiro (Zelito) | |
Santiago | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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