Person Details


Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Female

Place of birth: San Juan, Puerto Rico


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


María Elena Holly (née Santiago; born December 20, 1932) is the widow of American rock and roll pioneer Buddy Holly. As a receptionist at Peermusic, she met with Holly and his band the Crickets on June 19, 1958, and Holly proposed to her after five hours on their first date. Less than two months later, the couple married on August 15, 1958, in Lubbock, Texas. On February 3, 1959, Buddy Holly died in a plane crash along with fellow musicians Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper outside Clear Lake, Iowa. After learning of her husband's death from the television news, she suffered a miscarriage the following day and could not attend Holly's funeral in Lubbock.

Most Famous Work

Buddy Holly: Rave On

Buddy Holly: Rave On

(2017) Self


Year Character Movie/Tv
2017 Self
Year Character Movie/Tv

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