Person Details
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Villa del Parque, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Movie Involvements: 1
TV Involvements: 4
Most Famous Work
Carlos Martín Karpan credited as Martín Krpan in the credits of El Cuerpo de Deseo is an Argentine actor, notable for playing a villain in the telenovela El Cuerpo del Deseo
Most Famous Work
(2009) Daniel TrejoEl Auténtico Rodrigo Leal
(2003) ActorBlanco's Widow
(2006) Amador BlancoThe Face of Analia
(2008) Daniel MontielNo muertos
(1999) Natan BalaskoActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2012 | Patrick | |
2011 | N/A | |
2009 | Cristobal | |
Daniel Trejo | ||
2008 | Daniel Montiel | |
2007 | N/A | |
2006 | Amador Blanco | |
2003 | Actor | |
1999 | Natan Balasko | |
1998 | N/A | |
1996 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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