Person Details

Birthday: 1979-09-22 14:34:40

Aliases: Masoumeh Bafandeh , Masoume Bafande , Masumeh Bafandeh , Masume Bafande , معصومه بافنده

Gender: Female

Place of birth: Tehran, Iran


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Masoume Bafande is an actress who was born in 1979 in Tehran, Iran. She started her career in cinema and starred in “‏The Paternal House‏” by Kianush Ayyari in 2010. Her most notable activities are “‏Sakhteman-e 85‏” series by Mehdi Fakhimzade and “87 Meters "by Kianush Ayyari.

Most Famous Work

The Paternal House

The Paternal House

(2014) Marziye


Year Character Movie/Tv
2014 Marziye
Year Character Movie/Tv

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