Person Details


Aliases: No known aliases

Gender: Male

Place of birth: Hudiksvall, Gävleborgs län, Sweden


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 0

Most Famous Work


Mats Göran Melin, born May 10, 1969, in Hudiksvall, is a Swedish actor, active in Glada Hudikteatern and also known for playing the character Jerry (called "Ica-Jerry") in Ica's commercials. In the movie, The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes, he plays the role of Kjell-Åke and the film also features several others from Glada Hudikteatern. Melin has Down syndrome. Mats Melin is employed as a caretaker at Hudiksvall Hospital.

Most Famous Work

The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes


Year Character Movie/Tv
2013 Kjell-Åke
2011 Kjell-Åke
Year Character Movie/Tv

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