Person Details
Birthday: 1937-06-15 12:14:43
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Nizza, France
Movie Involvements: 7
TV Involvements: 8
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
30 millions d'amis
(1976) SelfInfrarouge
(2006) SelfVictoires de la musique
(1985) SelfStars 90
(1990) selfIl était une fois Champs-Élysées
(2022) SelfArmageddon
(1977) La journaliste TVThe New Watchdogs
(2012) SelfGiscard, l'impossible retour
(2014) SelfActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2022 | Self | |
Self - Journaliste | ||
2021 | Self | |
Self | ||
2020 | Self | |
2018 | Self | |
2014 | Self | |
2012 | Self | |
Self | ||
2006 | Self | |
1998 | Self | |
1996 | Self | |
1990 | self | |
1988 | Self | |
1985 | Self | |
1977 | La journaliste TV | |
1976 | Self | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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