Person Details
Birthday: 1962-09-03 16:43:32
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Ratingen, Germany
Movie Involvements: 1
TV Involvements: 2
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Cologne P.D.
(2003) PutzmannDie Wache
(1994) Polizeihauptkommissar Ingo DellbrückSchiri im Abseits
(2007) Professor Jakob StutzerActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2011 | Schalkefan | |
2007 | Professor Jakob Stutzer | |
2004 | Pfarrer | |
Martin Lorenzen | ||
2003 | Putzmann | |
2000 | N/A | |
1994 | Polizeihauptkommissar Ingo Dellbrück | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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