Person Details

Birthday: 1994-05-26 01:16:01

Aliases: Miranda Salinas , Miranda

Gender: Female

Place of birth: Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


Movie Involvements: 1

TV Involvements: 1

Most Famous Work


Miranda Ilissa is a female American professional wrestler better known by her ring names Miranda and Miranda Salinas, currently working for Booker T's Reality of Wrestling. She has also been featured on WWE, as a member of Adam Rose's Rosebuds entourage. During July 2017, she was also part of the Mae Young Classic where she debuted in the WWE ring as Miranda Salinas.

Most Famous Work

WWE Mae Young Classic

WWE Mae Young Classic

(2017) Miranda Salinas
ROW Ladies Night Out 5

ROW Ladies Night Out 5

(2019) Miranda Alize


Year Character Movie/Tv
2019 Miranda Alize
2018 N/A
2017 Miranda Salinas
Year Character Movie/Tv

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