Person Details
Aliases: محمد البسطاوي , Mohamed Bestaoui
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Mrizig, Morocco
Movie Involvements: 7
TV Involvements: 1
Most Famous Work
Famous moroccan actor (1954-2014) Mohamed Bastaoui in arabic [محمد البسطاوي] was born in Mrizig on june 3,1954 and died in rabat on decembre 17, 2014 with a career spanning 30 years. He begin his acting career in the theater on 1987, with a theater group called "Masrah al Yaoum", Then ten years later with group "The sun". In cinema, his career started in the late 1990s, exactly on 1998 into a movie "Adieu Forain" And then rolled his roles simple and complex in several films, serials and plays. His departure left a great sadness for his friends in the profession or the Moroccan public in general.
Most Famous Work
(1997) Anführer der PhilisterTerre de lumière
(2008) Chouk HusseiniJeremiah
(1998) 2nd Man in the NightThe witness
(2003) Inspector AzizA Thousand Months
(2003) Caid's BrotherThe Blind Orchestra
(2016) MustaphaWWW: What a Wonderful World
(2006) Père D'HichamAllal Al Kalda
(2003) ChinouiActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
2016 | Mustapha | |
2015 | N/A | |
2014 | N/A | |
2013 | Père de Maya | |
N/A | ||
2011 | N/A | |
2008 | Chouk Husseini | |
2007 | N/A | |
Lhaj | ||
N/A | ||
2006 | N/A | |
Père D'Hicham | ||
N/A | ||
2004 | N/A | |
2003 | Chinoui | |
Caid's Brother | ||
N/A | ||
Inspector Aziz | ||
2002 | N/A | |
1998 | 2nd Man in the Night | |
N/A | ||
1997 | N/A | |
Anführer der Philister | ||
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |