Person Details
Birthday: 1896-05-24 22:22:44
Death: 1989-05-03 22:22:44
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth: New York, New York
Movie Involvements: 12
TV Involvements: 0
Most Famous Work
Muriel Ostriche was an American silent film actress. She was also the face of Moxie. She was signed by the Thanhouser Company based in New Rochelle, New York and starred in 134 films in her career.
Most Famous Work
Robin Hood
(1912) ChristabelThe Decoy
(1914) Muriel PhelpsHer Awakening
(1914) Helen GrayThe Sacred Flame
(1920) Ray PaltonTinsel
(1918) Ruth CarmichaelFor the Honor of the Crew
(1915) Viola ScottLeap to Fame
(1918) Tootsie BrownThe Volunteer
(1917) Madge's MotherActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1920 | Ray Palton | |
1918 | Mollie | |
Ruth Carmichael | ||
Tootsie Brown | ||
1917 | Madge's Mother | |
N/A | ||
Ruby Trailes | ||
1915 | Viola Scott | |
Bella Forsythe | ||
1914 | Muriel Phelps | |
Helen Gray | ||
1913 | May | |
1912 | Christabel | |
The Typist | ||
1911 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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